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Production team
Written by: Ana Ristoska Trpenoska
Directed by: Sovran Nrecaj
Cast: Shpëtim Selmani, Verona Koxha, Blend Sadiku, Kosovare Krasniqi, and Leart Nrecaj
Set and Costume Design: Rudina Xhaferi
Videography: Etnik Nrecaj
Composer: Anda Kryeziu
Lighting Design: Yann Perregaux
Coordinator: Renea Begolli
Production Assistants: Arjeta Aliu and Delvina Bytyqi
Technicians: Bujar Bekteshi, Adem Salihu, Arbresha Caka, and Nikolas Pipero
Poster Design: Zana Begolli
In Albaninan with English subtitles
12.03.2025 / 20:00
In Albaninan with English subtitles
25.03.2025 / 20:00
ODA Theater
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A 12-year-old boy lies at the middle of the stage. Like the European dream, the performance is as real as it is imagined. #TheBorder is a theatrical exploration of migration, displacement, and the politics of belonging. Four actors seamlessly shift between roles, dissolving the boundaries between theater and life, fact and illusion. The play tells the story of a family risking everything for an uncertain future, interwoven with other narratives inspired by real migrant experiences. From border police to smugglers, from the media to the emigrants themselves, the play unravels the complex realities of migration journeys. #TheBorder confronts one of today’s most urgent crises: mass emigration from the Balkans, particularly Kosovo. It examines migration driven by Europe’s restrictive policies and global inequalities, asking: who gets to cross, who is left behind, and at what cost?