“The Bed” is a comedy based on the mate life yesterday and today. The man and the woman in bed: to friends, two lovers and two opponents in one cushion. What is the mate bed? A bloody arena, an oasis in the sad life of man where the libido and the feelings fulminates, or it’s a ring where one of the boxers must be knockout. Those are some of the questions and dilemmas that you can see in this comedy, 14 years bridegroom. The protagonists are the same, the place of the happening is the same, the text and the dialog do not change at all and the interpretation and the special articulation of the old language of Cajup stays the same . This Comedy who is written one century before is treated in the form and the style of one anti paly based on the Joneskos or Baketit style.
“The Bed” is supported by:
the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport
Autori: Ademi Mikullovci
Luajnë: Ryva Kajtazi, Shpëtim Kastrati
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