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A traveling laboratory, a collection of future medicines, treatments, rites and narratives reflecting on the well-being of human and more-than-human life forms. During HAPU Festival, the Lab’s pop-up pharmacy showcases its collection of medicines and treatments.
Length of Future Medicine workshop: 90 minutes
Number of participants is limited for a session
Please reserve your place by writing us at teatrioda@gmail.com with the note for the day and time of the workshop you want to take part.
Workshop is in English with translation in Albanian.
Production team
Eva Bubla is an Associate artist of IN SITU, the European platform for artistic creation in public space, in the frame of the project (UN)COMMON SPACES, co-funded by the European Union. The Associate artist programme is supported by Artopolis Association (HU), Atelier 231 (FR), Čtyři Dny / Four Days (CZ), FiraTàrrega (ES), Flynn Center (USA), Freedom Festival (UK), La Strada (AT), Lieux publics (FR), Metropolis (DK), Norfolk & Norwich Festival (UK), Oerol Festival (NL), Østfold Internasjonale Teater (NO), Oda Teatri (XK), Provinciaal Domein Dommelhof (BE), Scène Nationale De L’Essonne (FR) and a consortium of 3 Italian partners: Zona K, Indisciplinarte, Teatro Stabile Di Sardegna.
Pop-up Pharmacy
28.08.2024 / 12:00
Pop-up Pharmacy
29.08.2024 / 12:00
Pop-up Pharmacy
30.08.2024 / 12:00
Future Medicine Workshop
29.08.2024 / 19:30
Future Medicine Workshop
30.08.2024 / 19:30
Palace of Youth ❻
Other informations
What do a handful of soil, the forest, city greens, or some invisible creatures have to do with the health of our human and more-than-human bodies?
Microbial Futures Lab is a traveling laboratory, a constantly expanding collection of future medicines, treatments, rites and narratives reflecting on the well-being of human and more-than-human life forms. All bodies are interconnected microbial ecosystems, living and breathing habitats of tiny organisms: bodies of cities, bodies of waters, air, soil, and our own human bodies are inseparable.
How can we imagine the medicines of the future in a world where the state of our environment and our present relationship with it is compromised? What speculative visions of the future, old-new rites, treatments and medicines can we imagine if we look at the concept of health in a holistic way, if we understand it as the mutual well-being of symbiotically living human and more-than-human life forms?
During HAPU Festival, the Lab’s pop-up pharmacy showcases its collection of medicines and treatments, encapsulated landscapes, microbial drops, and the stories of various irregular patients - cities, rivers, atmospheres. During the Future Medicine workshops the public is also invited to speculate together about the future of Prishtina by designing new rites and medicines for the various life forms that inhabit it.
The project is rooted in the collaboration with the researchers of the Microbial Childhood Collaboratory (MCC) at Tampere University, Finland.